Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 Recap

2011 was a year of ups and downs. In many ways it was a year of false starts - of great ideas that just never achieved lift off.  And some that did, but fizzled out all too quickly.  But there were also some wonderful moments . . . and progression often happens through the many small individual moments, that may seem displaced and rare, but eventually all add up to something better.


There were fresh starts and new beginnings, weddings and newborns. There was also death and heartbreak, confusion and questioning. There was some travel, to familiar places and ones previously unexplored. New and old friends, people moving to the city and people leaving. Good things happened, but where it gave, something else was taken away. 2011 was the epitome of the ebb and flow of life, and its hard to say whether the positive outweighed the negative . . . thus 2011 was a year in neutral.  A transition year.  A year to preceed something better, something great.

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