Sunday, November 27, 2011

Apartment Inspiration - Bookshelves

I was given a kindle recently, and while I find its slim design easy to keep with me in my purse wherever I go, and while it is very convenient for reading on the subway, it's just not the same as a book.  Yes, I can highlight things in the kindle, but I can't flip through the pages and see the notes I took, I can't feel the weight of the book in my hand, or easily see how many pages I've read as opposed to how much more of the book I have left. It's also strange to get used to only viewing one page at once, rather than a double page spread, as unimportant as that may sound.  Flipping back to something I read a few pages earlier becomes significantly harder.  I think it would be convenient for novels, that are only read once and then put up on a glorious shelf (like these!) to be displayed as some kind of trophy wall of books that have been conquered... but most of the books I read tend to be ones that I read over and over, that are useful, that I like to reference back to, and there's just no match for the physical book in that case. Or art books!  One day I will have a wall of books on art and design.... and these could never be captured on a kindle.

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